Before I released this project, I posted a “teaser” here in which I mentioned that I would like to take photos of strangers. Various reasons prevented me from doing it so far, but I was able to get some imo nice portraits of two relatives of mine and they said they would be fine to be uploaded.
Now, what might be interesting for you guys is that I used an old vintage lens on my X-H1. The weapon of choice was a Canon FD 50mm/1.4. What I love about that piece of kit is the amazing bokeh, but manually focussing the lens is very hard. At longer ranges, it is hard to see whether or not a person is in focus and even looking at the image on the back of the camera does not reveal how good or bad it comes out. “He” is very sharp, while “she” sat across the table and I had to sharpen the picture quite a bit. Nevertheless, I love these two (meaning my godmother and her husband) and it was a special joy to take these pictures. Pardon me, but I only picked two images for this project, and I am fine with that. Think of it as the child-project to the “strangers” project I want to do.